I had the pleasure of a weekend in Seattle in March. Coming from Texas, where we were already in T-shirts and springtime wardrobe, to the Pacific Northwest, where it was averaging about 45 damp degrees during the day, I didn't plan well. It was not a wise move to think my new sweater and light jacket would be the only thing I needed to combat Seattle's raw winds. Fortunately, my sister-in-law Rossanna lent me her puffy coat, which I promptly fell in love with, and now I have similar styles on my watch list for fall. (Shop my look below!) And the sun DID shine on us Saturday afternoon, making for warmer frolics. Scenic stops, super-cool work spaces and the best brunch bowl in Seattle made this short weekend trip one for the books – and inexpensive, as a lot of what we did was cheap or free. I'm excited to return!

1. Talluhlah's
A gorgeous spot to sit, soak in the ambiance, and settle into your new environment to kick off a day of sightseeing. I loved Talluhlah's decor, which is an eclectic mix of your grandmother's midmod living room and your cool artist friend's European flat. I also have a thing for plants in restaurants and water served in glass bottles.

Since the trip, I have been fantasizing about the sweet potato, quinoa and egg breakfast bowl I ordered, and have made several attempts to duplicate it. I can't yet, but when I do, I will for sure share the recipe. It's worth a return trip! The lemon-ricotta pancake is also a must-order for the table.
Since it was chilly, but we wanted to be in nature, we took a jaunt to the Conservatory at Volunteer Park. Outside, the spring flowers were blooming, and the manicured lawns and fiery Japanese maple were gorgeous. Inside the warmth of the beautiful vintage glass structure, we took our time strolling along the gravel paths, meandering through the different 'climates'.

The gift shop lends out magnifying glasses, which my niece enjoyed, to observe all the oddities of the plants up close. It was a relaxing way to spend an hour, and good for little ones, too.

Rossanna took us for a quick stop at WeWork on Yale where she rents office space, and it was surprisingly (or not) one of my favorite places. I love productivity (nerd!) and seeing such inventive spaces designed for creatives by creatives just makes me go all geeky. Gorgeous common spaces throughout, thoughtful decor, coffee on tap, generous personal offices and beautiful views make this my favorite collective so far. If you're looking for a workspace to rent in Seattle, check them out. Pricing seemed extremely reasonable for the perks, with many tiers for many budgets. They're also in other cities, too!

4. Kerry Park
I admit I suggested this stop mainly because I wanted some great views for shots for the blog, the 'gram, and the fam...and we were not disappointed. The clouds parted, the sun shone, and our hair waved like golden flax in the soft spring breezes. If you're with me ––and evidently lots of other tourists– take 30 or even 40 minutes at Kerry Park, where you can see unobstructed views of the Space Needle, the skyline, and Elliott Bay. Just remember to, after taking your obligatory snaps, put the camera or phone down, gaze out over the city, breathe... and just be present and enjoy. And try not to get stepped on by the group of 10 people vying for the same shot you just took. I watched a guy in the fields below play fetch with his dog and boats crawl across the harbor.

5. Queen Anne Hill Coffee
The good news about Seattle mornings is there's definitely no shortage of great coffee.
Seattle is one of those cities where, in Spring, practically everywhere you look, there's nature's eye candy...moss growing on a stone wall, a bed of tulips, or hundreds of beautiful pink cherry tree blossoms. Even if it's cold, you want to be outside.
Each morning, I took myself for a stroll around Queen Anne Hill to try out different shops (and bring back a cup and maybe a bite for sleepy Husband). I visited El Diablo for a cup of brew with a cuban flavor and to admire their beautiful tile work, La Reve, which had a cozy bistro flair and yummy pastries, and Queen Anne Coffee Co., which had great coffee and an open, modern atmosphere. Though I did not get to visit Storyville I've heard great things, too.
What She Wore: My Chilly Weekend In Seattle Wardrobe: